INFO Robins, Robert H.: 3-89323-455-1
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Preface / Introduction -- HISTORIOGRAPHY OF LINGUISTICS: History of Linguistics. Aims and Methods / Constraints and Intentions in the Organisation of the History of Linguistics -- HISTORICAL STUDIES: Theory-Orientation versus Data-Orientation. A Recurrent Theme in Linguistics / The Authenticity of the Techne. The status quaestionis / Review of Fresina, La langue de l'๊tre / Ex Oriente lux. A Contribution of the Byzantine Grammarians / A Contemporary Evaluation of Western Grammatical Studies in the Middle Ages / Functional Syntax in Medieval Europe / The Evolution of English Grammar Books since the Renaissance / The Neogrammarians and their Nineteenth-Century Predecessors -- PROSOPOGRAPHICAL STUDIES: Priscian and the Context of His Age / John Glykys and Syntactic Geometry / William Bullokar's Bref Grammar for English. Text and Context / Bishop John Wilkins and an International Language / Leibniz and Wilhelm von Humboldt and the History of Comparative Linguistics / Condillac et l'origine du langage / The Life and Work of Sir William Jones / Duponceau and Early Nineteenth-Century Linguistics / Leonard Bloomfield: The Man and the Man of Science / The Contribution of John Rupert Firth to Linguistics in the First Fifty Years of Lingua / Eug้nie Jane Andrina Henderson (1914-1989) -- Index nominum et rerum