INFO Nifadopolous (Ed.): 3-89323-459-4
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Introduction // David Sedley: Etymology as a techne in Plato’s Cratylus // Francesco Ademollo: Democritus B26, on names // Thamer Backhouse: Antipater of Tarsus on ‘Atargatis’: why the Syrians don’t eat fish // Andrew R. Dyck: Etymologising the Gods: Cicero’s Experiments at N.D. 2.63-69 // Maria Broggiato: The use of etymology as an exegetical tool in Alexandria and Pergamum: some examples from the Homeric scholia // Francesca Schironi: Aristarchus and his use of etymology // John Lundon: Apollonius Sophista and etymology // Christos Nifadopoulos: Reconstructing Herodian’s pathology: in defence of the principles of ancient etymology // Robert Maltby: The role of etymology in Servius and Donatus // Evanthia Tsitsibakou–Vasalos: Aphrodite in Homer and the Homeric Hymns: poetic etymology // Helen Kyriakidou: Homer’s etymologising in the Aeneid: simile and the point of concentration // Barbara Pavlock: Ulysses’ exploitation of etymological puns in Metamorphoses 13 // Michael Paschalis: Etymology and enargeia: re-reading Moschus’ Europa (vis-ŕ-vis Hor. C. 3.27) // Andreas Michalopoulos: Working on an established etymological background: Ovid and his Hellenistic predecessors Contributors’ details -- Bibliography -- Index
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